“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly.”
~ Nikola Tesla (Inventor, engineer, and physicist) “I have learned in a long life—that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike.” ~ Albert Einstein (Theoretical physicist) “The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.” ~ Euclid (Greek mathematician) “My road to atheism was paved by science...but, ironically, so was my later journey to God.” ~ Lee Strobel (former atheist) |
UPDATED MONTHLY May joy come by seeing with new eyes
![]() “THE HUMAN EYE AND ITS PARTS ” Video Below (3:45) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Psalm 139:14) Scientists have tried to tackle the job of creating a machine that is able to see as well as the human eye. In the process, they are gaining a new appreciation for the wonderful gift of sight. They have learned, first of all, that no computer chip can be made today that could begin to do what the retina does. But, if it could be made, it would have to be something like half a million times bigger than your retina. One computer scientist has estimated that a computer chip that could begin to do what your retina does would have to weigh in at about 100 pounds! The retina, which is something like a small slip of clingy food wrap, weighs less than a gram. It occupies only 0.0003 inch of space. On the other hand, the scientists' theoretical "seeing" chip would fill 10,000 cubic inches. And while your retina operates on only 0.0001 watt of power, the synthetic "seeing" chip would require 300 watts of power and a cooling system. Even with all this, it couldn't see very well. It would be able to resolve a square area of only about 2,000 units of vision – called pixels – while your eye can resolve five times that much! Such a chip would have the equivalent of about 1 million transistors, while your retina has the equivalent of 25 billion transistors! Truly modern science offers elegant testimony to the fact that the eye could not have been produced by chance – and that it could have been created only by a very wise Creator! DAILY DEDUCING is info from the book, ”Wonderful World”, showing a small part of our diverse and intricate world through pictures and facts. Romans 1:20. Above text by Creation Moments. Lord's Prayer in Aramaic.
Found this page and questioning God's existence?
You are loved. No matter who you are or what you've done, God loves you and wants none to perish. The God of the Bible offers His love and forgiveness. God never turns His back on us. We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:10-26). Read Is There a God? written by a former atheist. God can only be found by those who seek Him (John 14:6). We can talk to God anywhere at anytime about anything. Just as one decision can change our life, so can one prayer. In fact, we are about 18 inches from wise counsel (on our knees). None of us is a throwaway person, because no one is ever beyond repair in God's eyes. Faith only comes by reading the Word of God (Romans 10:17). When we take time to read the Bible, more and more is revealed to us. We all have a choice whether we choose heaven or hell.
THE HUMAN EYE AND ITS PARTS (3:45) “Until I Found The Lord” (3:20)
"Rooftops"~Jesus Culture (4:12) LYRICS
God of Wonders Video (1:24:58)
(Snowflakes at 26:36-30:56) Divine Proportion - Golden Ratio (3:44)
Secret Code of Creation (1:05:14)
Astrophysicist and author, Dr. Jason Lisle, presents a compelling argument for God being the creator of the universe. Heavy Math: 0:00-27:59 Fractals: 28:00-36:00 (Snowflakes, ferns...) Laws of Math/Numbers: 36:01-42:57 Approximate Fractals: 42:58-45:43 (Lightning...) Fractals in Math/Physical World: 45:44-47:57 Why Does the Universe Obey Math? 47:58-50:35 Summary: 50:36-53:35 Questions & Answers: 53:36-1:01:50 Summation: 1:01:51-1:05:03 Dr. Lisle showcases the Mandelbrot set of numbers, their infinitude and complexity, and speaks on the One who created such an intricate concept. Dr. Lisle is author of the following: 1. The Ultimate Proof of Creation 2. Discerning Truth: Exposing Errors in Evolutionary Arguments 3. The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky 4. Taking Back Astronomy: Heavens Declare Creation 5. Your Origins Matters: Genesis is Crucial to Your Faith Dr. Lisle’s Blog - Acts & Facts - Your Origins Matter |
Salvation is found in no one else (Jesus), for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
Jesus and Satan were arguing about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and finally God stepped in. “I will test you on the computer for two hours,” he said. “At the end, I will judge who did a better job.”
So Satan and Jesus sat down and began typing. They wrote reports. They made spreadsheets. They created labels and cards. Charts and graphs. Did a little Photoshop. Even wrote some computer code. Both were evenly matched. But just before their time was up, lightning flashed across the sky and the power went out. Satan said every curse word he could. Jesus just sighed. When the electricity returned, Satan rebooted his computer. “It’s all gone! I lost everything!” he screamed. Meanwhile, Jesus started printing out all of his files. “Wait!” Satan whined. “That's not fair! How did I lose everything and he did not?” God just shrugged. “Jesus saves.” [Hilarious!] |
There are many lessons we can learn from the life of Solomon. First, when we seek God with all of our heart, He will be found (1 Kings 3:3–7). Second, those who honor God will be honored by Him (1 Kings 3:11–13; 1 Samuel 2:30). Third, God will equip us to accomplish the tasks He calls us to if we will rely on Him (1 Kings 3; Romans 12:3–8; 2 Peter 1:3). Fourth, the spiritual life is a marathon, not a sprint. A good start is not always enough to finish well (1 Kings 3; 11). Fifth, we can sincerely ask God to incline our hearts toward Him, but we will wander off the path of righteousness if we choose to violate His revealed Word (1 Kings 8:57–58). Sixth, those closest to us will affect our spiritual lives, and we must therefore be very careful of the company we keep. (Exodus 34:16; 1 Kings 11:1–8; Daniel 1; 3; 1 Corinthians 15:33). Seventh, life lived apart from God will be meaningless, regardless of education, fulfilled goals, the greatest of pleasures, and the greatest abundance of wealth (Ecclesiastes 1:2). by GotQuestions.org
Solomon was human just like all of us, and everyone makes mistakes. Thankfully, we serve a redeeming God whose grace and love are unmatched! We read in Biblical accounts that Solomon turned back to God by the end of his life. King Solomon had it all and failed in so many ways, but he found restoration in the arms of God. He then shared his own journey and tried to encourage others to avoid those same traps in the books that he penned. Take to heart the wisdom shared by this powerful and troubled king. by Brittany Rust |
Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Courage is fear that holds on one more minute.
How do we detect bad counsel? Here are some red flags:
TRUST IN THE LORD sermon by George Müller
[“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”—“depend on Me for what you need; look to Me for what you need, and do not take the advice of those brokers, or any other such agents, but consult the Lord”—“lean not unto thine own understanding.” Do not suppose because you have had a good deal of experience, or another person has had a good deal of experience, that that is all which is needed; but betake yourself to the Lord under all circumstances, at all times, under all difficulties, and seek His advice and counsel.
I can advise this way of living and acting to all my beloved Christian friends, for the result of it is peace, peace, peace! All the ordinary troubles of life vanish, if we thus throw our burden on the Lord and speak to Him about matters “Lean not unto thine own understanding.” How clearly expressed, how decidedly expressed! Our danger is continually to lean on our own understanding; to say to ourselves, “O, I have many times passed through similar circumstances. I have a good deal of experience in these matters; it is not necessary that I should pray about it, for I know very well what I ought to do.” And thus we bring on ourselves wretchedness and misery, and often not merely on ourselves, but on those connected with us.
Never begin anything without going to God about it in prayer! Never take any step without first of all settling the matter between yourselves and God, and the result will be you will not speak to Him in vain. He loves you. “He shall direct thy paths; “He will make plain your way, and show you clearly and distinctly how you ought to act. Thus you will escape the great difficulties, the great trials, in carrying out the measure of light which God will give you.
For God is willing by His Spirit, through the Holy Scriptures, to guide and direct us. And in being guided and directed, we carry out the measure of light which God is pleased to give to us, we shall find how blessed it is not to take any steps directed by our own understanding, but to seek wisdom from God, and obtain counsel and advice from Him. The Lord Jesus Christ, among all other titles given to Him in the Word of God, has one title: that is, He is the Counsellor. The Counsellor of the Church of God, for her benefit, for her instruction. We are naturally ignorant, we do not know how to act, what to do; but if we betake ourselves to our Counsellor, the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall find how ready He is to counsel us, to advise us.]
The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealing by George Müller (They use Mueller because of the umlaut - ü. Umlauts won't work in website addresses.) Largest collection of George Müller quotes, photos, books, and articles.
We do not always understand what God is doing or why. God acts according to His will for His purposes. His will and His purposes are always loving. We don't see the whole picture because of our narrow perspective and limited knowledge. We need to trust in the living God always. He has our back.
[“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart”—“depend on Me for what you need; look to Me for what you need, and do not take the advice of those brokers, or any other such agents, but consult the Lord”—“lean not unto thine own understanding.” Do not suppose because you have had a good deal of experience, or another person has had a good deal of experience, that that is all which is needed; but betake yourself to the Lord under all circumstances, at all times, under all difficulties, and seek His advice and counsel.
I can advise this way of living and acting to all my beloved Christian friends, for the result of it is peace, peace, peace! All the ordinary troubles of life vanish, if we thus throw our burden on the Lord and speak to Him about matters “Lean not unto thine own understanding.” How clearly expressed, how decidedly expressed! Our danger is continually to lean on our own understanding; to say to ourselves, “O, I have many times passed through similar circumstances. I have a good deal of experience in these matters; it is not necessary that I should pray about it, for I know very well what I ought to do.” And thus we bring on ourselves wretchedness and misery, and often not merely on ourselves, but on those connected with us.
Never begin anything without going to God about it in prayer! Never take any step without first of all settling the matter between yourselves and God, and the result will be you will not speak to Him in vain. He loves you. “He shall direct thy paths; “He will make plain your way, and show you clearly and distinctly how you ought to act. Thus you will escape the great difficulties, the great trials, in carrying out the measure of light which God will give you.
For God is willing by His Spirit, through the Holy Scriptures, to guide and direct us. And in being guided and directed, we carry out the measure of light which God is pleased to give to us, we shall find how blessed it is not to take any steps directed by our own understanding, but to seek wisdom from God, and obtain counsel and advice from Him. The Lord Jesus Christ, among all other titles given to Him in the Word of God, has one title: that is, He is the Counsellor. The Counsellor of the Church of God, for her benefit, for her instruction. We are naturally ignorant, we do not know how to act, what to do; but if we betake ourselves to our Counsellor, the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall find how ready He is to counsel us, to advise us.]
The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealing by George Müller (They use Mueller because of the umlaut - ü. Umlauts won't work in website addresses.) Largest collection of George Müller quotes, photos, books, and articles.
We do not always understand what God is doing or why. God acts according to His will for His purposes. His will and His purposes are always loving. We don't see the whole picture because of our narrow perspective and limited knowledge. We need to trust in the living God always. He has our back.
Spiritual truths are spiritually discerned (or understood) and a lost person who does not have the new nature, that the Holy Spirit gives, cannot understand them. Until the Holy Spirit moves in your heart, that heart will remain dead. But hearts remain dead in part through the lies that we tell ourselves, and one of the greatest lies is this: There is “no evidence” that God exists.
Jesus said to Ananias, "Go! Paul is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles..." All Scripture is God-breathed and for our learning (2 Timothy 3:16-17). |
The Bible offers the only remedy for sin, suffering, and death. God’s Word presents the only perfect, sinless Savior, the one who died for our sins and rose from the dead. Jesus is the Creator. Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30). Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus promises His followers: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish” (John 10:28).
Make your decision today. Matthew 7:13-14. |
Our eternal destiny will be determined by our choice. No sin is worth an eternity in hell. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23-24). Ask God for forgiveness of your sins, believe the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), read the Bible, and find a good Bible-based church to fellowship with other believers.
Rightly Dividing the Word of God. Determine who is writing or speaking, to whom is it speaking, and what are the circumstances. |
And the Master Artist is...
He Really Loves Me! by Darlene Sala
I'm stunned God willingly paid so much for me to know Him. It's mind-boggling to grasp that Jesus left His Father in heaven to come to this earth as a baby, then die by crucifixion. I can hardly comprehend a love that cost so much. I can't imagine sacrificing any of my three children to save someone else's life. Yet Peter writes, "For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed ... but with the precious blood of Christ ..." (1 Peter 1:18-19). What love! What makes it even more costly is God the Father knew He would need to turn away from His son during Jesus' death. When Jesus was hanging on a wooden cross, God the Father withdrew His presence because of the sin His Son bore on our behalf. Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). A great shadow had come between Jesus and the Father. Jesus was excruciatingly alone on that cross because of you and me. A story from the mission field illustrates a similar kind of love. For years, Dr. Margaret Brand served as a missionary eye surgeon in southern India. In the rural areas she would sometimes do 100 cataract surgeries in a day. In one instance where there was no electricity, Dr. Brand asked a 12-year-old boy to hold a large flashlight so that its beam gave her enough light to operate. Dr. Brand doubted whether the boy would be able to endure the sight of eyes being sliced open and stitched. For the first five operations he did his job impressively. During the sixth, however, he faltered. "Little brother, show the light properly," Dr. Brand instructed him. But she could sense that he simply could not bear to look at the eye. When she asked him if he felt well, she saw tears running down his cheeks. "Oh, doctor, I cannot look," replied the boy. "This one, she is my mother." |
You see, God loves us so much, "For our sake he made him [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21) when we put our faith in Him. The high price Jesus paid makes us incredibly valuable — no matter how worthless we may feel at the end of the day.Here's another way to look at it. When it comes to placing a value on a piece of art, that value is derived from three things: • Who made it? • How many are there like it? • What is someone willing to pay for it? You are a priceless work of art. The greatest Artist in the universe hand-crafted you. God gave the life of His only Son to have a relationship with you. That's how valuable you are. I'm clearly a sinner, not holy like God. But God loves me, and He loves you enough to pay an enormous price so that we could have our sins forgiven. With a word the universe was brought into being. With a touch lepers were healed. But when sin was forgiven, Jesus the Son of God willingly died. What amazing love! And the focus of that love? YOU and me. May we pause in this moment to absorb the depth of God's love for us. And may our lives be filled with thankfulness that He was willing to pay the price! Loving God, help me always remember that my only true worth is found in You. Thank You for the gift of Your Son; thank You for loving me so much that You thought I was worth Christ's life. In Jesus' Name, Amen. |