Here's some info. about Doves. Coming up next is the last page spread for birds; Various Birds. After that, it's onto bugs! Some birds that I might put in the last page spread: Bird of Paradise, Bunting, Chinese Silk Chicken, Cotinga, Dipper Bird, Honey Guide Bird, Hoopoe, Hummingbird, Magpie, Ostrich, Wall Creeper, and Pileated Woodpecker. Wow! That Webinar (online presentation) I did, took a lot of time, so probably won't be doing that again for a couple more years. View Webinar here. |
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Help me, O Lord, lest my heart become proud, For all of my talents by You are endowed; Nothing I have can I claim as my own, What mercy and grace in my life You have shown. —D. De Haan