They have to be done anyways, but this way it'll give me a bit of variety also. Have a blessed day!
I have been working on chapters 1-3 in fixing up the jaggy lines on each image on the chapter title pages. It makes them look more snazzy! They take a while, so I will get back to finishing up chapter 6 in the book. Then I will finish chapters 4-5 title pages, do half of chapter 7 in the book, chapters 6-7 title pages, and finish up chapter 7 in the book.
They have to be done anyways, but this way it'll give me a bit of variety also. Have a blessed day! I wanted to finish the last chapter head (before I forgot how to do it, haha), so I've been working on that. Then I need to go through chapter heads 1-6 and fix errant sharp points on all images. I am halfway through chapter 6 on the book (page 150) and will start that up again once the chapter heads are finished. Page 148 is done, here is a snippet. There are 46 pages and the Chapter 7 Header Page left to do. I'm getting antsy into getting this book done! It's been a long haul. Hi there, Here is a snippet of page 147, now onto perennials. I changed the chapter header to Flowers, Shrubs, Trees. I have 10 page spreads (20 singles pages) left before starting on chapter 7... the last chapter! I'm done with the chapter 5 bibliography, glossary, and index. Here is the cover page for chapter 6. Starting on p. 142 of the book, only 2 chapters left!!! Chapter 7 is Elements, Rocks, Solar System, and Misc.; that title may change. Yay, I am officially done with chapter 5! Here is a snippet (sign up for book updates to see more). Tomorrow I will start on the glossary, bibliography, and index and then start the chapter header for flowers, plants, and trees for chapter 6.. Here is a wee bit of the fascinating facts page. I only have the sweets page left, then onto chapter 6... finally! Finished p. 136, Basic Nutrients. Here is a wee bit. To see the whole image, sign up for periodic bonuses. Next up is the fascinating facts page. I finished the Herb page spread, now onto Spice. Then one more page spread and a single page and Chapter 5 will be done! Fermented foods are finished and I had to show one of my favorites: sauerkraut! I just bought some German sauerkraut (with caraway) at the farmers market and it is so tasty with Bavarian bratwurst. Next up is Herbs. Hallelujah, I'm finally done with the Fat page spreads! Whoever said this food chapter was going to be fun was not knowing what she was saying... oh, yeah, right, that was me. Ay-yi-yi, so many varying opinions, and controversy. I just stated facts after researching many legitimate sources... and did a ton of praying. Up next is fermented foods. If I continue at this pace I should be done with chapter 5 by Christmas! Then only 2 chapters left. I'll look for a printer when I'm on chapter 7 and also set up all of the things I need to do to self publish this book and get it to print (ISBN #, register with Library of Congress...). I'm looking forward to getting this into hospitals, jails, prisons, shelters, and schools. God will work out all the details, no doubt. I cherish your prayers for this project to come to fruition however God wants it. Yay, I'm back on track in trying to get one page spread done in two weeks. Those vacations and health issues sure get in the way, haha. Next up is Fats and how we need them for our bodies to work properly, they get a bad rap!
Thank you for popping in and keeping up with this book! As always, I would love prayer for this project, the computer (still running thank God!), and my health. Up next is Nuts and Seeds.
I've finished the first 3 pages of Chapter 5 - Food; here's a snippet for Starchy Carbs. This is proving to be a most difficult chapter as there are many opinions, confusion, and controversy out there with food. This book is about showing the diversity of 'things that are made'; whether it be food, humans, animals, birds, bugs, and more--to show that there is so much proof out there and none of us are without excuse in believing. I try not to give my opinion but rather stick with the facts. I would appreciate if you could be in prayer with me on this most difficult chapter. For God to give me clarity and help; to have what He wants in it and keep out what He doesn't want in it. Thank You!!! Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. I've finished the last page on Chapter 5 - The Science of Bread. I'm now working on the first page; Food Groups. The other page on this page spread will be Water. Hallelujah! Finally finished the Chapter 5 Cover Page with all the food, and adding some herbs and spices because I forgot them, whoops! It's amazing how much time things take, so if you're wondering why things don't come up faster, I really am doing the best that I can. I've been fixing the proofreading errors this week for half of eBook 2 and all of eBook 3 from our proofreader Pamela H. (THANK YOU again Pamela!!!), I got them last week. She is proofing eBook 4 now. Now all 4 eBooks are up-to-date and running! If you see ANY ERRORS, please email me ([email protected]). We try and catch them all, but we can use all the help we can get! Starting Monday, I'll be figuring out what goes in the book. I’ll put together a rough outline on what goes on each page: protein, carbs, fats, herbs, spices, maybe even vitamins? Not sure yet as there's a limited amount of pages. Have a wonderful week! Love & blessings, Jacque [said like jackee] Yay, I'm finally done with eBook 4!!! I'm working on the glossary right now, and then will finish up with the bibliography and index. I will then upload and update all 4 eBooks online and finish the cover page of eBook 5, Food, Herbs & Spices--we need some color! Unfortunately, food...a lovely subject with me. I pray you are doing well, safe, and happy. Please continue to pray for the Ukrainian people. Holy moly, this page spread took forever to do! The snake page was very difficult. I even had to contact the local Herpetological Society (branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians) several times as the info I googled was inaccurate. They were so helpful! I decided to put the entirety of p. 109 up. Now onto the two final pages of Tortoise and Turtle and then Book 4 is done and Book 5, Food is up next. Hey there! I finished pp. 106-107 with Alligators and Crocodiles and here's a wee bit of p. 106. Now onto Lizards and Snakes on pp. 108-109, then Tortoises and Turtles on pp. 110-111. I will then start eBook 5 - Food which I'm really looking forward to for a change of pace. The last 3 chapters had to do with animals (and don't get me wrong, I LOVE critters) but it will be fun now to do food and herbs and spices!!! And I know I'll learn stuff that I didn't know which is always exciting!
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Help me, O Lord, lest my heart become proud, For all of my talents by You are endowed; Nothing I have can I claim as my own, What mercy and grace in my life You have shown. —D. De Haan