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You may print for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
8.5 x 11 sheet of paper (2 up).
Download high resolution print. You may print for PERSONAL USE ONLY. ©
This is really not about the book, but it does affect the book getting done. I have been under spiritual attack this month...won't get into details but it's coming from all sides. If you are so inclined, I do so need continual prayers for this book to get done; for focus, direction and my health.
I appreciate and thank each and everyone of you who have let me know you're praying for this book. I do need to know I'm not alone in doing this book. I believe that all of us are making this book...prayer changes things! Thank You! THANK You!! THANK YOU!!! Eternally grateful, Jac
These are 8" x 10" Prints. Download file for high quality print. Print as many as you would like. Please do not print for profit. Please give one to your teenager today.
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